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Value and meaning of new gTLDs

Source: RegistryDate: 2014-08-04

Only new gTLDs are real online trademarks of businesses. With the implementation of new gTLDs, the domains (top-level domain or domain suffix) in future may be roughly divided into four types: (1) iTLD; (2) ccTLD; (3) business domain; (4) domain hack. Among them, the most important is the business domain or that with business name suffix. Such domain is so unique that all businesses have to pay great attention to it. From this perspective, business domains like .com or .cn in the past cannot be regarded as real online business trademark, as they have relatively weak representation. Only the suffix features of new TLDs enable business domains to have significant and strong representation, so only they can be regarded as real online business trademarks.


Strategic protection. Increasingly rapid integration of Chinese businesses into the world requires they must have a global vision to deal with markets in different countries. After the pity of domain name ".com", the global open application for new gTLDs is undoubtedly a good opportunity for Chinese brand owners to protect their own brands at the same starting line as peers across the world. For the most direct and obvious business website and its domain brands, it requires planning the protection of intangible assets such as the trade names and trademarks beforehand.


Security protection. It is indeed quite simple to fight against phishing sites. An important point is to check the domain name, specifically, to check the root domain name of visited sites for its correctness. New TLDs, once approved, will be authorized to be included in the root domain, so businesses may customize the domain name as they like to further prevent phishing sites and enhance customers' royalty.  


Unified identity. Businesses may choose trademarks, trade names and domain names consistent with their names.