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The trademark domain name becoming a standard configuration for companies to conduct E-marketing

Source: “.商标Date: 2015-06-30

Recently Li Chenghui, who has engaged in toy manufacturing in Dongguan, Guangdong, for 30 years, has a headache. Some time ago, Li's company planned to be stationed in major famous E-business platforms. When it was greatly promoting itself on such platforms, Li found that the company's trademark, which has been used for many years, was registered or even imitated by some unknown companies on the Internet.

Li is not the only one that has such a headache. In China, because the majority of SMEs lack network brand awareness, the trademark protection has not been given equal attention on line as in real business, so that trademark owners have to pay a higher price to protect their rights on online trademarks. On May 22, ICANN launched the trademark domain authentication and opened for global registration. This will not only put an end to the headache of people like Li, but also promote the trademark to become a standard configuration for domestic companies to enter the era of E-marketing.

Why the trademark domain name has such a power? According to the authoritative explanation in the Internet intellectual property field, the trademark domain name is a network identification of intellectual property nature with both domain name right and trademark right. It declares not only the right, credibility, identification and defensiveness of trademarks, but also the uniqueness, exclusiveness, safety of domain name as a resource, and authoritativeness. It is the domain name that directly and best demonstrates the trademark name, provides authoritative identification for businesses in online marketing and shows the value of the corporate brand. In addition, it can effectively prevent businesses from being infringed due to unfair competition, and protect legitimate rights of business dealers and consumers.