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Senior Executive of “.SHANGBIAO” Domain Registry Visited Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre

Source: RegistryDate: 2016-04-06

On the morning of September 24, 2014, Mr. Wu Yangyi, Operating President of China Region of “.SHANGBIAO” Domain Registry, and Mr. Alex Lee, Vice President of Overseas Business Development, went to Hong Kong to have in-depth discussions on the dispute and protection of “.SHANGBIAO” (dot trademark in Chinese) rights with Mr. Cai Weiping, Secretary General of Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre.

During the discussions, Mr. Cai Weiping made a presentation on the rights and disputes arising out of the process of registration of “.SHANGBIAO” domain names. For instance, when disputes arise out of the process of registration and use on the side of domain name registrants, the adoption of a Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) is a very common solution mechanism: should the domain names be the same or one complaining party have the same trademark or service mark, or should the registrant fail to execute the rights to the domain name and execute the legal rights, or should the domain name have already been registered and be used in a malignant way; should any of the aforesaid situations arise, prompt and effective complaints and resolutions can be achieved through UDRP so as to protect the right of legitimate use by the domain name holder.


Meanwhile, Mr. Cai Weiping, Secretary General of Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre, pointed out that “.SHANGBIAO” Domain Registry entrusted Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre to be its dispute settlement organization to set up a sound dispute resolution system. Trademark holders can both file a dispute with regard to malignant registration of “.SHANGBIAO” domain names and file a dispute concerning the registration qualification of registrants, which can be determined by dispute experts appointed by Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre. However, with regard to the domain names that are not malignantly registered and complying with the registration rules of “.SHANGBIAO” top level domains, trademark holders cannot take back their domain names via domain name dispute resolution. Therefore, it is better for enterprises to register their core trademark brand domain names so as to protect them beforehand.