Welcome to ".商标" (dot Trademark) registry !

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Does it infringe on interests of other trademark holders, as ".商标" follows the principle of "first come, first served"?

As a generic top-level domain name, ".商标" needs to provide service for the Internet users worldwide. Due to the exclusive registration nature of domain names, the same ".商标" may only be registered and used by the same trademark holder. The registration rules of ".商标" require that a domain name registrant may only register and use a ".商标" when it holds a lawful right to a trademark. However, trademarks are registered and administered by different countries and in accordance with different classes of goods and there are many trademarks of completely identical word signs in the world. Therefore, ".商标" adopts the principle of "first come, first served" among registrants satisfying the rules. It complies with the features of all domain names, which are a type of limited naming resource of the Internet address, and which is also the fairest solution for all holders of trademarks sharing the same word signs.